FilmArc and Cine-Regio in Singapore
In December 2009 a delegation from Cine-Regio and FilmArc went to Singapore to present the Film Arc project in a conference at Asia Media Festival. They also met with the MDA (Media Development Authority).The result of the meeting was that MDA and Film Arc agreed to formalize an agenda and a structure together with the goal to increase co production in various sectors, such as; film, TV, games and animations.
Follow the FilmArcteam on their journey to Singapore, their fruitful collaboration with organizations and production companies, and their experiences of the asian culture.
The INNOMEDIA initiative took place between 2008-2011 and was held under the aegis of Cine-Regio and under the patronage of European Commissioner Mrs Viviane Reding.
INNOMEDIA is a European initiative fostering international cross-regional collaboration, launched in 2008.
The INNOMEDIA initiative aims at improving the take up of innovation in the audiovisual sector.
So far two workshops have taken place.
One at Cannes Film Festival in May 2008, and one at Rome Film Festival in October 2008.
The first workshop was entitled «Trans-regional co-operation in Europe, from films to creative industries»
with participation of Vienna Film Fund, MFG Baden-Württemberg, PACA Région-Alpes Côte d’Azur, FILAS – Lazio Region and moderated by Charlotte Appelgren, Cine-Regio.
The Rome workshop was entitled «Remarkable innovative practices in the EU for financing the AV industry»
and had panelists from Film Camp, (North Norway), FILAS-Lazio Region and Cine-Regio secretariat.
Both workshops included networking opportunities for the filmmakers.
INNOMEDIA is initiated by FILAS Audiovisual Fund, Lazio Region, Italy.
SILK-NET is another initiative aiming to coordinate European efforts directed towards establishing a network of alliances with producers and institutions in Southeast Asia.
SILK-NET enjoys important collaboration from Singapore’s Media Development Authority (MDA) and further strengthens the commitment to collaboration and international exchange.