CineRegio a.i.s.b.l. was established in May, 2005, as a belgium non-profit association. CineRegio's company registration number is 875.061.843. The CineRegio statutes are available from the secretariat.
CineRegio registered adress:
CineRegio aisbl
c/o VAF
Bischoffsheimlaan 38
1000 Brussels
CineRegio regional office:
CineRegio c/o Film i Väst
Åkerssjövägen 6
461 53 Trollhättan

Charlotte Appelgren
M: +45 40 40 35 45
Charlotte Appelgren, General Secretary of CineRegio since March 2006, has studied business in USA, Ireland and Singapore, and holds a Master of Science/Arts (cand.negot) from SDU in Denmark. Charlotte has previously worked as International Executive with Merlin Films, Ireland; Advisor/Coordinator with MEDIA Desk Denmark; Festival Manager for the Danish Film Institute; and at two Danish production companies. Author of The Fine Art of Co-producing (2002, 2007, 2010). Reviewer at Palgrave UK (2014); researcher/contributor on among others the reports Film financing mechanisms stimulating private investment in Danish film + The Economic and Creative Growth Potential of the Danish Games Industry, as well as, the book European Film and Television Co-production: Policy & Practice (Palgrave, 2019).
She was member of European Commission's Cinema Expert Group on Digital Cinema (2008-2011); Licences for Europe WG3: audiovisual & film heritage (2013); on the advisory board of FirstMotion/ crossmedia for the Baltic Sea (2011-2014); and The Voice of Culture stakeholder expert group on Audience Development (2015) and Gender Balance in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (2019). Today board member of (since 2009), member of the European Audiovisual Observatory's advisory committee (since 2009) and on the Advisory Panel of Create Converge (since 2018).

Anna-Maria Martén
Web editor/assistant
Anna-Maria has an education for communication on the web and works primarily with content, photo and layout. She also holds a Master of Education in Music and a Master of Singing. She has been working in the Vocal Group Ars Nova in Copenhagen, Denmark, and as a freelance classical singer in Göteborg, Sweden. She speaks english and french.
Mr. Rheinhold de Wever
Bofidi Brussels
Avenue de Tervueren 32
1040 Brussels
Triodos Bank nv
Suoorsale belge
Rue Haute 139/3
1000 Brussels