Our ambition is to support film business on a high professional level in region of Zurich. With an annual business volume of about 12 million Euro we are financing projects and supporting filmmakers in all their needs. Our focus is on assisting script development, production and marketing. Effective from January 2018 we have no restrictions regarding the format (fiction, non-fiction/documentaries, shorts, series, VR, animations etc.). We are also supporting projects in co-production.
The ZÜRCHER FILMSTIFTUNG was founded in November 2004 – after a convincing «Yes for the cinema» of a popular referendum vote in Zurich. Our founder-members and financing partners are the Canton of Zurich, the City of Zurich, all other municipalities in the Canton and the association «Zürich für den Film». The FILMSTIFTUNG was the first regional film fund in Switzerland.
The ZÜRCHER FILMSTIFTUNG is a member of the European Network CineRegio.
Possibilities for funding co-productions
Co-productions have to have an independent partner in the Canton of Zurich, either a production company or a director. Only Swiss partner may file an application online for a project. The team of ZÜRCHER FILMSTIFTUNG will assist you in finding eligible partners. Therefore we organize co-production meetings, collaborate with the ZURICH FILM COMMISSION and with the promotion agency SWISS FILMS.
What projects are you looking for?
We are interested in natural co-productions, meaning we are primarily supporting co-productions with a high participation of Swiss talents. All projects have to fulfil a regional effect on spendings in shooting or in post-production.
Stage of project at which you prefer to get involved
Applications can be made for three stages of development and for production (only before shooting).
The ZÜRCHER FILMSTIFTUNGdoes not support post-productions or completed films.
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CineRegio representative - Mr Hercli Bundi

Cine-Regio representative - Mrs. Susa Katz
After completed her studies in theatre, cinema and TV and having worked as a freelancer for the Documentary Film Festival ‚Duisburger Filmwoche‘, the German broadcasting station ZDF (editorial department ‘series’) as well as ZDF Enterprises (license acquisition for ARTE/ZDF) Susa Katz lives since 1998 in Switzerland. She worked as a production manager, line producer and managing sales for independent film production companies, including 13 years for T&C Film in Zurich. Besides she has as well been active in various other fields such as advisory board of Swiss Films (2004-06), head of department for FOCAL the foundation for professional training in cinema and audiovisual media or as a board member of a community cinema.
After she has been Head of the film funding for the Swiss Federal Office of Culture (BAK/OFC in Bern 2013 - 2016) she became deputy manager at the regional film fund in Zurich (Zürcher Filmstiftung).
Zürcher Filmstiftung
Heinrichstrasse 147
8005 Zürich
Tel: +41 43 960 35 35