Midtnorsk Filmsenter
Midtnorsk filmsenter (Mid Norway Film Centre), established in 2005, is an independent regional film centre, jointly owned by Trøndelag County and Trondheim Municipality, distributing funds from The Norwegian Ministry of Cultural Affairs.
Midtnorsk filmsenter provides grants for development and production of short films and documentaries, as well as grants for developing feature length films, drama series and games. The film centre’s aim is to contribute to the development and growth in Trøndelag as a film and game region. Talent development is given a special priority. Funding is mainly given to production companies established in the region. Support to international co-productions is given through regional main or minor co-producers.
Midtnorsk filmsenter supports development programs, workshops, mentorships, internships, masterclasses and travel grants for professionals. The film centre also supports initiatives for children and young talents.
In addition, Midtnorsk filmsenter is operating the film commission in Trøndelag, Midgard Film Commission Norway.
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Cine-Regio representative - Ms Eli Gjerde
Eli Gjerde (b. 1968) is since 2017 CEO at Midtnorsk filmsenter. Prior to that that she was head of programming and marketing at the Municipal Cinema in Trondheim. Gjerde holds a master’s degree in film studies from Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Midtnorsk Filmsenter
Kjøpmannsgata 35
N - 7011 Trondheim
Tel:+47 99 533 673