Filmfonds Wien

The VIENNA FILM FUND is Austria’s largest regional film fund. Its mission is to strengthen and to consolidate Vienna as a city of international film and television production and to contribute to Europe’s cultural diversity. The City of Vienna provides the fund’s annual budget of 11.5 million EURO. The VIENNA FILM FUND supports project development, film and television production and distribution as well as running a support scheme for cinema exhibitors.

The Fund supports feature-length projects with soft loans. We do not fund shorts. An independent jury awards grants for development and production based on the project’s cultural, economic and artistic merit. The VIENNA FILM FUND requests a regional effect of 100% of its support to be spent on local talent, creative staff and production facilities. Ideally, when funding a co-production it should be shot in Vienna or based on local content. Alternatively, projects with a very strong regional effect can also come into consideration.
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Cine-Regio representative - Mrs. Christine Dollhofer

M.A Christine Dollhofer studied theater studies and journalism in Vienna, and was artistic and executive director of the FILMCASINO arthouse cinema in Vienna from 1993 to 1997. From 1997 to 2003 she was the artistic director of the Austrian film festival Diagonale in Graz.

In 2003 Dollhofer was one of the founders of the Crossing Europe Film Festival in Linz and since 2004 its director. In addition, curatorial work, teaching assignments and consultancy work, member of project committees (including the Austrian Film Institute and Filmfonds Wien), as well as in numerous international film and festival juries and since 2011 program delegate for San Sebastián International Film Festival.



Vienna Film Fund
Mariahilfer Straße 76/1/10
1070 Vienna

Tel: +43 1 526 50 88
Fax:+43 1 526 50 88 20