Film i Väst is a regional resource and production centre for film, founded in 1992. During 30 years Film i Väst has co-produced over 1300 films and drama series.
Established in Trollhättan, Film i Väst is financed by local authorities in north-west, Västra Götaland, the European Union Regional Development Fund, the Swedish Film Institute, and its own earnings. The goal of the enterprise is to establish western Sweden as the foremost film production region in northern Europe.
The films produced are of high quality and competitive on the international market.
The best known area of Film i Väst's activity is the support of feature films, but they also work to support local film endeavour in the development of short and documentary film and in the development of talented young film makers in the region. Strategic initiatives in education for filmmakers and support for developing regional film festivals and film fora are other important commitments.
Film i Väst is working through film production to build a business cluster.
Since 1998, seventy new film and media related companies have been established, and have survived in the region. In cooperation with university and adult educational institutions, courses have been started to build up the professional competence and skills. Film Väst offers the same kind of service as a film commission.Film i Väst co-production contributions:
- Financing up to one third of the film’s budget, if the film is shot in western Sweden.
- Excellent studio facilities and a well-developed infrastructure.
- Highly experienced film crews.
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Cine-Regio Representative - Mr. Tomas Eskilsson
Tomas Eskilsson is head of strategy & film policy at Film i Väst. From 1992 to 2016 he held the position as CEO of Film i Väst and was during this time involved in the co-production of around 600 films, documentaries and TV dramas, plus 400 short films.
Åkerssjövägen 6
461 53 Trollhättan