Film i Skåne
Film i Skåne is a regional fund supporting film and video with the task of promoting all aspects of films. The fund is commissioned and financed by the Region of Skåne and the Swedish Film Institute. Film i Skåne has been in operation since 1995.
Film i Skåne's regional film work is run in three main fields – Film education, screening and production.
Film i Skåne takes an overall view, which means that they see a progression where film education – see, talk about and make films – results in the creation of an interested and demanding audience. This audience consists of active visitors to cinemas and media users, who will also be tomorrow’s filmmakers.
The creation of meeting places, workshops, festivals and marketplaces inspires both a new form of narrative and the discovery of new distribution opportunities to reach new viewers.
Through the co-production of short, documentary and feature films, Film I Skåne hopes to attract capital that is spent in the region on services, facilities and labour that help develop the audio-visual infrastructure in Skåne.
Film i Skåne believes that the development of the audience, film makers and the media industry is a tool for developing the film environment in Skåne.
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Cine-Regio representative - Mrs. Lisa Nyed
Film i Skåne
Elis Nilssons väg 12
271 39 Ystad
Tel: +46 70 794 0091