Arctic Film Norway (Nordnorsk filmsenter)

Nordnorsk Filmsenter (North Norwegian Film Centre) is an independent regional centre for short and documentary films and games, supported by the three counties in Northern Norway (Nordland, Troms and Finnmark) and the host municipality, Tromso. Established in 1981, it is the oldest regional film centre in Norway.

Our main goal is to support Filmmakers in the region through our production grants and assist and develop the film industry. We distribute funds from the Norwegian Ministry of Cultural Affairs, and the production and development grants for 2022 amount to approximately Euro 1 200.000. The centre mainly serves independent production companies in the region, international productions are required to have a regional co-producer.

We support around 20-25 productions per year, and a selection of recent titles are:

In Cod We Trust (Doc) (2023)
Diagnonsense (Doc) (2023)
Making (of) Love (Doc) (2023) (coprod)
Life is beautiful (Doc) (2023)
CAVEAT Andøya (Doc) (2023)
The Silence in Sápmi (Doc) (2022)
You know it`s going to be about war (Doc) (2022)
Images of a Nordic Drama (Doc) (2021)
The Kick-sled Choir (Short) (2020)
The Tongues (Short) (2020)

We support documentaries in all lengths and on all platforms, while the shorts are limited to 60 minutes. The average grant for docs is around € 45.000 (NOK 450.000), the average for shorts around € 40.000 (NOK 400.000).
We also give development grants, and the maximum amount is € 25.000 (NOK 250.000). Our focus is on production. The total grant per production may not exceed € 60.000 (NOK 600.000). For production grants, we have four deadlines a year, and we receive all applications (in Norwegian or Sami) through our web form ( The centre also supports the producers and Filmmakers in North Norway with advice, assistance and travel/educational grants.
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Cine-Regio representative:

  • Mr. Terje André Nymark


Visiting adress:
Kirkegata 2,
9008 Tromsø

Postal adress
Boks 114,
9252 Tromsø

Tel:+47 78 47 64 00