"Max Embarrassing 2" by Lotte Svendsen
“Max Embarrassing 2” is a Danish/Swedish co-production supported by the two regional film funds West Danish Film Fund (DK) and Film I Väst (SE). The film has a total budget of 1.800.000€, out of which West Danish Film Fund has supported 270.000€ as a soft loan.
The funding from West Danish Film Fund has been received based on of work of the Aarhus based producer company, Radiator Film and based on part of the film being shot on location in the re-gion of the West Danish Film Fund. The region of Film i Väst has contributed to the production with technical skills, among others the color grading ect.
Other sources of financing include; Asta Film (DK), Danish Film Institute (DK) and Danish public broadcasting DR (DK).
Producer Henrik Underbjerg, from Radiator Film, looks positively at co-productions. He believes that the opportunities that co-productions give you, of working with people from different regions can help make a project more creatively interesting. However, Henrik also stresses that co-productions should be firmly anchored in real content and creative opportunities and not just money. In Henrik’s view the most important criteria for a well functioning co-production, is to make sure that the co-production and collaboration makes sense.
In Radiator Film they make sure to use their network within the business.
Henrik says: “knowing the people that you work with greatly eases the creative work on a project. Especially if you send your project outside of your country to be worked on, it is important that you share the same understanding and view of what your wishes for the project are”, and he confirms: “co-production is an added value to a project, and a value that is more than money. Co-production is of course also a financial benefit, but it is just as much improved quality and access to greater markets.”
Synopsis: “Max Embarrassing 2” is an amusing coming of age tale from Lotte Svendsen's Max-universe. Now 14, Max is about to decide on an internship and is finding it difficult to choose. He settles, against his mother's wishes, for a bank internship. But mother Agnethe, still quite embar-rassing, takes action and enrolls Max in a free spirited camp for the sake of his soul's salvation. Meanwhile his love life is hanging by a thread; Esther seems less and less interested in him even though he is making an effort to win her over.
Production year: 2010
Producer: Henrik Underbjerg, Stefan Frost, Per Holst
Production: Radiator Film ApS, Asta Film ApS, Max Sisters
Source: Cine-Regio, June 2011